A proofread is the very last edit before publication, so its goal is to eliminate as many remaining typos as possible. It is performed after the manuscript has already been checked once for grammar and spelling mistakes, not as a substitute for a copyedit. The fewer the errors going into the proofread, the fewer the errors that get published!*
While a copyedit may suggest how to rephrase a sentence for clarity and flow, the goal of a proofread is to focus only on necessary corrections, so the book can move forward into publication.
A proofread will do all of the following:
-correct mechanical errors in spelling, punctuation, hyphenation, and capitalization
-correct egregious grammatical errors, like subject-verb agreement and tense agreement
-check for common errors like missing words or letters
-ensure consistency in dialogue and quotation formatting
-check for consistent formatting of paragraphs
All edits bring the text in line with the latest editions of The Chicago Manual of Style and Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, the two references preferred by most publishers.
Traditionally, a proofread is performed after the book has been formatted, so the editor can correct any errors introduced during the conversion. I’d be happy to proofread your manuscript either in Word before formatting or in Adobe after formatting, however.
*Perfection is humanly impossible. The highest accuracy rate for an edit is ~95%, even with the aid of computers. I will do everything in my power to catch every last error, but I cannot guarantee perfection.

How It Works:
- I perform sample edits for free for prospective clients, up to 1,000 words. Samples for a proofread must come from the middle portion of your manuscript if you would like one.
- I will request to review your manuscript as a whole to quote an exact project rate. All submissions of your work are strictly confidential.
In a proofread:
- If it is before formatting (in Word), I will use Track Changes to make my corrections within the text. I will return your manuscript to you in two versions—one copy showing all markup and one clean copy with all changes accepted.
- If it is after formatting (and in PDF form), I will use Adobe’s tools to mark my corrections within the text (unless you request another method).
- A proofread does not come with a style sheet, as it is the last edit before publication. If you already have a style sheet for your manuscript, however, I will gladly reference and update it if necessary.
Have questions once you’ve reviewed your manuscript? No problem. I am available for questions for up to a month after your manuscript has been returned to you. I’m more than happy to hear from you!
Rate: $0.012-0.015 per word

Errors can imply to your readers that your book is not well written. After all of your hard work, don’t let the little mistakes cast a negative light on the entire story. Publish something you can be proud to put your name on!
Contact me to sign up for a final proofread.