Creating Worlds
Tips on World-building #1
In many ways, crafting the world of the story is almost like crafting a character: you have to decide what that world looks like, which elements need to come into the narrative, and how much to show the reader.
Some authors love to start with creating maps. Some like to start with plot-based ideas and expand from there (in this world, there are pirates who steal and trade in magic!). Some get inspired by real history or cultures, basing their fictional worlds on pieces of research.
🌲 Whatever your process, deciding on elements both practical and emotional will give you everything you need to write your story. Instead of blank or vague notions, you will have specific, resonant, vivid pieces that will inform character and plot.
Tip #1: Brainstorm as much as you can about what this world looks AND feels like to live in.
Here are a few questions to spark ideas about your world:
▪️How long has it been around? How much has it changed over time?
▪️How do people see the world? Is it known or unknown, full of possibilities or likely to kill them? Is it decaying or evolving out of a darker age?
▪️What does the land (or vessel) look like? What kind of seasons do they have? Is it easy or hard to stay alive?
▪️What mythologies or religions do they have? Are people devout or not?
▪️What kind of relationship do they have with their neighbors (if any)?
▪️Who has the power in this world–and what kind of power do they wield? Is it from wealth? Ability? Might? Who DOESN’T have power? And what is the relationship or divide between the two?
▪️What kind of traditions or holidays do they have?
▪️What is precious? Is this something people hold in common–or does this cause people to come into conflict?
▪️What kind of obstacles does EVERYONE face, no matter how much power they have? (Natural disasters, predators, side effects of doing magic, etc.)
🌲 If you know how your characters FEEL about their world, it will help you craft their motivation, create atmosphere, and marry it to your plot. Talk about doing some legwork for you!
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